Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ie the prosed national British Day, why talk of celebrating on St George's Day?

People seem to be suggesting that if the planned Nation British day was to go ahead we should celebrate it on St Georges day

Why? Apart from he's the patron saint of England and not Scotland Wales or Ireland, what has a drunken, womanising Greek murderous monk who supposedly killed on of the Pendragon line of Kings got to do with Britain anyway? (George and the Dragon.)

Ie the prosed national British Day, why talk of celebrating on St George's Day?windows vista home premium

They should leave it the way it is

Just keep St Georges day

Ie the prosed national British Day, why talk of celebrating on St George's Day?ie tab internet explorerWhen I posed this question I just wondered why people were suggesting this day. I was surprised at the anti-scot comments then realised they were directed at me because on my profile it says living in Scotland... blah blah ...born in Pendle. I'm not Scottish I'm English. Report It

The trouble with celebrating British Day on St George's Day is that we already have several days off around that time. Wouldn't it be better later in the year when Bank Holidays are thin on the ground, for instance Oct or Nov.
Hmm, a way to get us Scots, Welsh and Irish to celebrate St Georges Day?

It should be a seperate day, that has nothing to with a particular country. Its only fair. If we were demanding it was on St. Andrews day, St Patricks day or St Davids day, it would be a completely different story wouldn't it?
Do you believe in saints?...if yes you can celebrate St George...if not you have to choose another 'day'

St George is patron saint of England not the United Kingdom, no mention of him being drunk womaniser or murderer on web site.

Ireland, Scotland and Wales all celebrate their saint's England does nothing and it is about time we did!!!
yup, i agree, i think
We should Not be celebrating British Day.

Britain no longer has any relevance.

England should celebrate St Georges Day.

The other Nations may do as they wish.

As for casting aspersions on Poor old St George, perhaps we should look at the Hero's of the other home nations? Well perhaps not, i wouldn't want to upset the fans of Mel Gibshite, sorry i meant Bravefart. LOL
I dont think people are suggesting celebrating British Day actually on st Georges Day...the strong feeling is clearly that we should first take St Georges Day seriously before embarking on a British Day. It is also fundamentally clear that the Scots never have and never will regard themselves as British and the sooner they become a second rate republic the better for the rest of us.
I dont think the two are synonymous....

British Day is to celebrate the country the people and values and so on ...I think its great idea but to put it on St Georges Day would imply that we are celebrating the patron saint

but then maybe thats a good idea to stop the patron saint being highjacked by extremists...
St George is the patron saint of England , apart from being from Italy , on that matter before celebrating British day , I want to have St George's day

I think that there are certain people that want to be very PC anything goes if it brings in votes

Bring back hanging whould get more vote's so why not
Beats me... Count up and down this board and see how many Brits you find.

Andrew... Tut tut... I agree entirely that many Scots don't consider themselves British, and I'm one of them, and that the sooner Scotland gets Independence the better.

Second rate? Have you looked at the UK lately? Second rate is what we've got now. I'd be hard pushed to see any reason why it would get worse than Britain already is.

we have to have a seperate day

non religious, and non confrontary to other countries...

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