Sunday, November 29, 2009

IE works, as well as everything else with internet except FireFox, any idea why?


IE works, as well as everything else with internet except FireFox, any idea why?windows vista ultimate

Because the *** hats at Microsoft wrote it and they don't like accepting "other" formats - incidently Firefox uses OPEN standards IE DOES NOT!

IE works, as well as everything else with internet except FireFox, any idea why?default browser internet explorer

IE and FF are both good browsers. FF has had more security fixes than IE over the past year, but they both have acceptable security features. Some websites don't work with FF. Some websites are broken with IE and FF.

Both adhere to standards, but www standards for browsers are a work in progress.

If you are building websites, make sure they work with IE and FF, and with Safari if you want mac people to enjoy your site. There are good tools around to make stuff work with different browsers.

Some people have both browsers. Use the one you like best and don't forget to keep it well patched.
Do you have a firewall? Enable firefox to access the network.

Is it installed properly? Try uninstall then reinstall.

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